CLHS Class of 1965 50th Class Reunion - August 22, 2015
A Good Time Was Had By All
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Mr. Mandzaria and Garol Gonzalez
Appreciation Award to Carol Gonzalez from Laura VanderStraaten
Ken Boback (66), Bob Bunce, Stan Nunn, John Iancin,Mitch Dziak, Dennis Swanson and Dick Johnson hugging Chuck Gerlach
Diane Rocca. Carol DiGiovanni, Carol Gonzalez and Marilyn Remstad
Lydia Lombardo, Sue Dale, Dennis Swanson & Priscilla Lombardo
Pat Wiegand Hemry, Karen LeGrande Hager, Bill Hager (standing), Dennis Swanson, Dave Hemry & Jo Ann Swanson
Sally Hazelton,Heidi Steiner & Carol Campbell
Heidi steiner, Stan Nunn & Kathy Pellerin
Addie Henke & Cheryl Gann
Carol Gonzalez & Sue Dale
Cheryl O'Neal
Danny Ritter & Addie Henke
Donna Henderson & Carol
John Garrison & wife Margo (he won the 50/50)
Lydia & Priscilla Lombardo, Joyce Kedzierski & Pat Milchuk
Mr. Mandzaria, John Garrison & Roz Klik
Larry Williams(Fitzgerald 1965) Pat Milchuck Boback & Gary Bowie (Fitzgerald 1965)
The "Guys"
Diane Rocca & Dennis Swanson
Glenn Krcek, John Cole & Chester Mazurek
51 Gone But Not Forotten